Wednesday, January 9, 2013

President Bashar al-Assad the Most brutal in the World

U.S. judge Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, one of the most brutal actor on the world stage today. Actions against its own people shows he is no longer rational.

President Bashar al-Assad

When asked if he believed if Assad is a bad person? Spokesman for the U.S. State Department, Victoria Nuland, said even ida personally will consider what has been done Bashar al-Assad as evil, it's not a label given to the government of the United States Bashar al-Assad.

"He's brutal off-limits (common sense). Which he did to his own people are not human," said Nuland told reporters in Washington on Monday.

"We've certainly said, we assess he lost the legitimacy to lead, because he is one of the most brutal actor on the world stage today."

In his first speech in the last seven months, Bashar al-Assad expressed his vision to bring his country out of the conflict that has continued for 21 months. The UN says more than 60,000 people have been killed since the insurgency against rule Bashar protests.

"I do not think anyone ... guilty of the kinds of crimes against his own people that the fault can be considered reasonable by the values ​​of humanity," said Nuland.


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