Lev says Lenin's health condition, he was swept continuously deteriorated, due to a stroke he experienced. Utilizing momentum, Stalin secretly plotting something evil to him, that is to kill her with poison.
Stalin, he explained, have the ambition itself to immediately go up, to the top leadership, after he gained the support of Lenin himself. But that did not last long, as time passes, Lenin criticized Stalin's rude personality and ambitious.
Lenin in fact, suggest that Stalin expelled from his position as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at that time.
To prove dugaanya, he asked that part of the brain is preserved Lenin in Moscow, to be examined. "The brain preserved Lenin in Moscow, so that we can investigate it," he said.
Popular theory of the alleged death of Lenin, before she died of the disease is venereal syphilis. He allegedly also died of hardening of the arteries of the heart.
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