Saturday, November 17, 2012

Boy with Arm and Breast in Squad

A pair of breasts and an arm to grow on the back of a little girl, 11 years, in China. This discovery shocked the doctors suddenly Hospital of the Armed Forces and Police in Beijing.

According to them, could be the breast and the hand is part of the twinning of the child. "It's possible this child has a twin," said Professor Peng Baongan.

Why fetal twin that can grow in the body of the child? According to Peng, there is a possibility when the fetus fails to develop into a baby. Therefore, it attaches to the body twin.

Attachment of twin fetuses in the body and come grow older, Peng said, is a rare occurrence. In the world, only similar case occurred in a child of five million births. But usually, the fetus was not growing back.

"About 80 percent of cases, the fetus grows in the stomach," he said.

Since the growth of breasts and arms behind his back, the boy now suffers diastematomyelia or abnormalities in the spinal cord. "We also found the digestive tract in a growing network," said Peng.

In the photo published on the Daily Mail, the position of the breast and arms on the back of the child is not horizontal like in general. Rather vertical, the arms are near the nape. Breasts that grow perfect it has two nipples. While the form of the arm with two fingers and bend the nail.

Now, Peng and other physicians seeking ways to grow meat can be removed from the body of the child. But they have not found a way of appointment



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