Obama appeared in a campaign in which he accused the Romney campaign to change the position. He said the presidential candidate owes honesty to the American people.
When I went up to the stage, I met someone who claimed to be Mitt Romney. But, he's not Romney. Because, I know Romney has toured the country promising tax cuts amounting to 5 trillion dollars, Obama said vehemently.
However, yesterday he said he did not know anything about it, said Obama.
Romney unexpectedly appeared in the Conservative Political Action Conference in Denver Colorado where her children are scheduled to speak. He criticized Obama's policies which provide very little benefit to Americans.
After the debate, Romney campaigned in the state of Virginia as a running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan. Romney acknowledged that his words about 47 percent of Americans were captured on a secret video is a statement that is completely wrong.
In a campaign that witnessed hundreds of eyes and thousands of questions directed at you, sometimes you can just say something spontaneously, just straight out, Romney said, as reported by CBS News, Friday (5/10).
A few weeks ago, a liberal magazine website, Mother Jones, video broadcast speech Romney in campaign fundraising event attended by wealthy entrepreneurs. In the video, Romney accused the 47 percent of Americans support Obama is a man who never pay income tax burden and the only state that he would not care about them.
The statement was suddenly gets a lot of criticism, even from fellow party, as it is considered to build the image that Romney is a rich man who does not care about the middle and lower economic unusual. A few days after the appearance of the video, a national poll showed support for Romney continued to decline.
Source: http://berita.plasa.msn.com
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