Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hillary Clinton Experiencing a Concussion

Hillary Clinton
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a concussion after falling unconscious due to lack of body fluids. The situation was made ​​Hillary postponed testimony about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"When exposed to a stomach virus, Secretary Hillary Clinton became dehydrated and lost consciousness, suffered a concussion," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Philippe Reines.

"He is a healing in his residence and will continue to be monitored regularly by the doctors," said Reines.

Reines said Hillary would work from home and stay in contact regularly with other high officials.

Hillary (65) last week fell ill with a stomach virus and was forced to cancel a trip that has dijadwalkannya to the Middle East and North Africa.

The virus also infects several members of staff who returned with him from the tour in Europe.

They reported feeling unwell, but not in a serious medical condition.

The doctors who treated Hillary, Lisa Bardack of Mt. Kisco Medical Group and Gigi El-Bayoumi from George Washington University, issued a statement saying that Hillary collapsed from severe dehydration due to virus attack.



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