Which we all know is the biggest part of the shares held by the Federal Reserve bankers Jewish giants. With the dollar paper money printing costs, no matter what denomination value on the sheet, just 3 cents a share, practically the Fed has the power over the financial world almost without cost. Although there is some confusion about the views of the IMF and the World Bank, but there is no denying that both the IMF and the World Bank are the two instruments used by the Western powers (read: Zionist group) to destroy sovereign countries to be no more than than territory (economic-financial) them, which in turn will lose their political sovereignty.
When an IMF mission to enter the country, they are in fact nothing but run the draft for the destruction of the institutions behind social and economic requirements to lend money pretext. According to Joseph Stiglitz, former Chief Economist of the World Bank team, the IMF typically developing four-step program.The first step is the 'privatization', which according to Stiglitz more appropriately called the name of the program 'Bribery'. In this program, the state-owned companies receiving IMF assistance should be sold to the private sector with an excuse to get fresh cash. At this stage, according to Stiglitz, "We can see how the eyes of finance officials in the recipient's eyes widened, knowing when the prospects 'giving' 10% commission several billion dollars to be paid directly to the account of the individual concerned in a Swiss bank, to be taken of the sale price of national assets they had. "
For example, where the government of the United States (please note the foreign ministry, defense ministry and the finance ministry, fully controlled by Jews), involved in a case of "bribery" biggest ever, on the program "privatization" in Russia in 1995, when the government of the United States (the Jews) wanted Yeltsin re-elected. "We do not care if the election was a corrupt election. We want that money into the hands of Yeltsin through the 'under-table' for campaign purposes. " The most galling for Stiglitz that oligarchie Russia supported by the United States was wiped out by the Russian state-owned industrial assets due to corruption tersebul Russia cut national income by almost half lived alone that caused the economic depression and starvation.
After the "bribery" is the second step of the IMF / World Bank is planning a "one-size-(a) fitting - to save your economy" ('all size - economic solution'), ie 'Capital Market Liberalization ". In theory, capital market deregulation allows investment capital to flow in and out. However, with the increased influx of outside investment capital, in turn, will lead to the depletion of foreign exchange reserves of the country concerned to bring assets through imports from countries designated by the IMP. Unfortunately again, in the case of Indonesia and Brazil, again according to Stiglitz, the capital was just out and out, never to return.When an IMF mission to enter the country, they are in fact nothing but run the draft for the destruction of the institutions behind social and economic requirements to lend money pretext.Stiglitz calls the "privatization" is a cycle of "hot money".
The cash from the outside in for speculation in real-estate and currency, then leave when there are signs of unrest. As a result of the above first and second, the country's foreign exchange reserves could be depleted evaporate in size days, even hours. And when that happens, to seduce speculators to want to restore the national capital funds, the IMF demands these nations raise interest debetor-bank interest rates to 30%, 50%, 80% hahkan. The decision followed the deregulation of banking regulation policy requirements, the enactment of a tight monetary policy ('austerity policies'), discontinuation of subsidies in areas related to socio-economic needs of the community. In the countries of the developing world, where the bulk of the program pcmbangunan still be the responsibility of the state, the implementation of tight monetary policy has adversely affected the lives of the real sector. Termination subsidies to strategic sectors such as food, fuel, transportation, education, and so always ends with a political crisis in the countries concerned."The result was predictable," said Stiglitz commenting on a tidal wave of hot money in Asia and Latin America. "Higher interest rates destroy the value of the property, prey on industrial production and drain national funds".Revenue outside investment capital, although it seems to help to spread the work, in fact it has killed the business requirements of the local bumiputera, which in turn falls lying, because not able to compete especially for marketing. Often such policies resulted in the closure of the factories, because the host governments and the private sector does not have enough domestic capital. The most recent example is the collapse of Argentina's economy in January 2002 that lead to a political and social turmoil.At this stage the IMF draw debetor who was gasping it to the third step, the "Pricing - Market Based Pricing", a grandiose term for a program to raise the price of strategic commodities such as food, clean water, and fuel. This stage could have been predicted will go on to step three and a half, which is what is called by Stiglitz, "IMF riots".
" IMF Riots creation" that was to be expected and is very painful. When a country has lost consciousness (IMF) will take advantage and squeeze until the last drop of blood that still exist in the country debetor. Temperature will continue to rise, and at the time it exploded boiler ", just like when the IMF, according to Stiglitz, requires removing subsidies for rice and fuel for the poor in Indonesia in 1998. Indonesia exploded with riots. And there are examples of other cases - the unrest in Bolivia, with respect to water rate increase in 2001, and in February 2002 riots in Ecuador due to rising gas prices commanded kitchen by the World Bank. The impression that there is unrest was planned.
And rightly so. What Stiglitz did not know that the BBC and the Observer newspaper, London, successfully obtained several documents from inside the World Bank, which was stamped 'Confidential', 'Restricted', and 'Not to be Disclosed'. One of these documents is the so-called "Interim Country Assistance Strategy ('Temporary Assistance Strategy') for Ecuador. In the document of the World Bank several times to explain - with chilling accuracy - that they expected their plans will turn "social unrest" as a term of the state bureaucracy burning.It does not need to shock. Confidential report noted, the plan was intended to be the value of the currency to the U.S. dollar Ecuador will drive 51% of the Ecuadorian population that is below the poverty line. Plan "Help" in the World Bank report calls solely to "ease the suffering of the people's demands and" a "political settlement"-without mentioning the economy and increasing prices soar"IMF riots" (which meant the 'riots' here is a peaceful demonstration dispersed with tear gas, bullets, and tanks), causing new panic which resulted in the flight of capital ('capital flight') and local government bankruptcies. Fires economy has a bright side - for foreign corporations, who are getting a chance won the remaining state assets were chaotic, as mining concessions, banking, oil, and other sale-priced massive. An example is seen in the panic of the Indonesian government to "divest" degan-closeout closeout prices on BCA ('Bank Central Asia'), the most successful banks in Indonesia, cement plants, oil sawlt, telecommunications businesses, and so on, all of which are actually "gold mine" ('money-machines') for Indonesia.
Stiglitz notes that the IMF and World Bank are not believers who have no sense of the market economy. At the same time the IMF to stop Indonesia to provide food subsidies. According to the IMF, "when the banks need a bail-out, intervention (the market) is acceptable". IMF shed tens of billions of dollars to rescue the finansier Indonesia with additional loans from banks Amenka and Europe.A pattern emerges. In this system a lot to lose, but there is one winner: namely, Western banks, and the U.S. treasury, which generate huge profits from international capital piggy bank. Stiglitz recounted his first meeting experience, when a new office at the World Bank, the new president of Ethiopia in the context of the first democratic elections in the country.The World Bank and the IMF instructed Ethiopia to divert aid money to its reserve account at the U.S. treasury, which will provide interest rate of 4%, while Ethiopia to the United States to borrow at 12% to feed its people. Ethiopia's new president begged Stiglitz that aid money can be used on its own to build the country. But no, the money from the robbery was straight into the United States treasury finance department in Washington.Now we get to the fourth stage by the IMF and the World Bank entitled "Poverty Reduction Strategy": namely, the Free Market. The meaning is' free market 'based on the rules of the WTO (' World Trade Organization '- World Trade Organisation') and the World Bank. Stiglitz, the World Bank was to equate the 'free market' and 'opium war'. "The concept is aimed at opening up the market," he said. "Just as in the 19th century, Western countries and the United States break down the barriers that exist for trade in China. Now the same thing is done to open the market so that they can trade in Asia, Latin America and Africa, while Western countries that put a high wall against imports of agricultural and manufacturing products from the Third World ".
As a result of the 'free market'. The local capitalist entrepreneurs are forced to borrow at interest-rate up to 60% of the local bank and they have to compete with imported goods from the United States or Europe, where interest-rate range is no more than between 6-7%. Such programs result in deadly local capitalistsIn the 'Opium War', Western nations deployed military blockades to force China to open pasamya for their trade is not balanced. Now the World Bank may order a financial blockade, which is as effective as the 'Opium War'.
Stiglitz is particularly emotional when talking about pcrjanjian intellectual property rights (in the English abbreviated dcngan TRIPS). According to the former Chief Economist of the World Bank team, the 'New World Order' ('Novus Ordo Seclorum') was on was "sentenced to death the beacon", by imposing tariffs and "tribute" that does not make sense to pay to pharmaceutical companies that have brand. "They do not care", said the professor who collaborated dl affairs with a bank loan companies these drugs, "whether people live or die".
The majority of the public, especially the governments of countries in the Third World still sees the IMF and the World Bank as an institution with a human face, as stated in its charter, "participating in the effort to eliminate poverty." In fact, the IMF's role in creating a more successful countries poverty is growing, rather than tackling poverty they suffered. If anyone thinks there is a conflict between the two, between the IMF and the World Bank, the estimate was wrong once.Please do not get confused here when there mixed in talks mengnai IMF, World Bank and WTO. Iembaga institutions were actually nothing but a mask that can be exchanged are derived from a single power system, the Zionists, as appropriate. They are connected to each other through a system they call "triggers".When a country's appeal to the World Bank loans for education, for example, the application was going to "trigger" a need to accept the 'terms' anything - they charge an average of 111 points for each country - are determined only by the Bank and IMF. According to Stiglitz, "IMF requires the debtor received a trade policy that is more punitive than the rules of the WTO" .1IMF and World Bank that it has a mission same in the Third World. The reality is simple: Wall Street stands behind these two institutions. They are run by bankers, Jewish bankers generally. It must be remembered, they are business people and profiteur money, not sociologists anthropologists, let alone the philanthropis.Besides that not many people realize is that 'free market' is essentially the siblings of the war. Even more importantly, the Third World in general fail to see the close relationship between the free-market ideas to the interests of the West neganl. For example, very few organizations that criticize institutions Bretton Woods products, compared with the voice against the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, for example, they did not say in Seattle (when the APEC conference), and also did not do it in Washington, DC.Please do not get confused here when there mixed in talks mengnai IMF, World Bank and WTO. Iembaga institutions were actually nothing but a mask that can be exchanged are derived from a single power system, the Zionists, as appropriate. They are connected to each other through a system they call "triggers".They campaigned against the 'free market', against the IMF, and the favor of the Jubilee campaign to eliminate Third World debt, but not the war. 'Free market' and war go hand in hand. Sarna as well as Western countries, such as Stiglitz said above earlier, in the 19th century forced the Chinese to "opium free trade", and that still holds today. If in the 19th century Western countries issued the pretext of "combating piracy at sea" to conceal their agenda of colonialism and imperialism, the United States today quibble "combating international terrorism" to get concessions of oil pipeline through Afghanistan.
Coordination between the Western countries with 'free market' is very clear. Can be seen in the example of Kosovo. IMF and World Bank have designed a plan the post-war economy, including the 'free market', even well before the fall of the first born. Both of them holding hands. If a country refuses IMF intervention, the Western countries, with political intervention or deploy various secret societies and subversive activities, will go. Their job creating a conducive environment for the programs the IMF and Western countries (read: Zionist) to finally be implemented in these countries. State as an example of how Indonesians debt IMF loan program further adds to an already severe crisis.
Countries that receive what is called by the name of "loans" IMF, such as Bulgaria and Romania, including Indonesia, might not get the 'carpet bombing', but they were destroyed with just one stroke of the pen. Body language can not cover up the mind that is in someone's mind. About it, draw attention to the style hubris Camdessus, IMF executive director for Asia-Pacific, when he witnessed the president of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto was forced to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in order to invoke the help of the IMF loan to Indonesia in 1998. Memorandum that turned out to be the beginning of the destruction of Indonesia's economic agenda that was already sinking. In Bulgaria the IMF undertake drastic reforms. IMF devastating social conditions: pension cut, factories were forced to shut down, there are items that are products factory dumping, removal of subsidies and subsidized health care for free transportation to the people, and so on.
Stiglitz concerns about the plans of the IMF and World Bank were formulated in secrecy and driven by an absolutist ideology of the people, and that no opportunity for discussion or rejection. Although Western countries pushing elections in all countries that are developing what they call "Poverty Alleviation Program" actually "subverting democracy".And it turns out the program is not working. Productivity of Black African countries under the guiding hand "aid" structural, IMF program failed miserably and falling apart. Are there states that the debtor is able to avoid this catastrophe? "There," Stiglitz said pointing to Botswana. What do they do? "They rebuked the IMF to pack to leave the country".
So how to assist countries that are developing it. Stiglitz proposed a plan that radical land-reform, a direct attack to the heart "-tanahan conspicuously", the outrageous rents, imposed by the landowning oligarchy over the world, usually not less than 50% of the harvest from the tenant ( system "anvil").As a former top official at the World Bank, if this idea ever proposed by Stiglitz? If you challenge (land ownership), it will undoubtedly lead to a change in the ruling elite. Therefore, it does not go about their top priority. " Every time solutions to the concept of 'free market' failure, according to Stiglitz, the IMF is nothing but calling for "a more free market"."Things are the same as in the Middle Ages," says Stiglitz. "When the patient dies, they say, 'He's too much blood loss, in fact there is a little blood in his body'.
Economic Assistance and colonization-New StyleIn Central Asia, the Balkans, and the Caucasus, reform and privatization program of the IMF and World Bank's walking hand tongs not only the agenda of Western countries, but also with CIA intelligence operations, which are conducted in private. Management of war and economic institutions do with one another interface on the global rankings.
So at this point various countries weakened by regional conflicts and domestic financial funds financed by the West, either open or closed seeara. Kosovo Liberation Army, the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, (GAM in Aceh?), Just so many examples of some cases, how the insurgency movement in the country funded by the West. Manipulated conflicts in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Aceh, and others, is because there is a natural resource in a number of strategic, oil and gas fields of marijuana and drugs, which are covered by the CIA managed.This in turn leads to the economic interests of foreign policy official Ameriksa States. Finally the edges to the IMF, the World Bank and regional banks and private investors. Afghanistan War is a real example of a strong chain to the agenda for to control the oil that is in the earth Sunken Caspian (Caspian Basin) with a design build political hegemony in Central Asia in order to safeguard the interests of the oil and gas earth.Events of 11 September 2001 attacks on the twin WTC buildings, New York that killed more or less 6,000 people is an extraordinary political engineering cruelty committed by the 'eagle' Jews under the leadership of Paul Wolfowitz at the United States Department of Defense, working together closely with the Israeli secret service Mossad, to get the name of "punishing" Afghanistan as a "black sheep" of his.
It's all about as a chain. The suspicion that the attack on the twin-building is an engineering-secret by the United States itself, aided by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, instead just issued by Alexander Gordon, a security analyst United States, but also from the paper reviews the Guardian and BBC London, American TV news 'Fox News', Vision TV Canada, the Washington Post newspaper, even coming from the German government, an ally of the United States itself.Let's observe this global institution: the United Nations system with a mission there supposedly to "keep the peace" which establishment initiated by the Zionist leaders and they play a role through the Western countries, especially the United States. From there it was the IMF, the World Bank and regional development banks such as the ADB, Asian Development Bank, and so on. In Europe there is the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the WTO. These institutions is their main strength.Sometimes war is necessary to create a conducive condition, and then the economic institutions of the Zionist products will go to the shambles memberesi. For example, after the fall of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, the group is proposing the establishment of Jewish bankers semaeam 'Marshall Plan' to "rebuild" the country's infra-structure that is falling apart.
Or, IMF itself destabilizing the economy as they did in Indonesia. They insisted on removing subsidy on a variety of public needs in the country. Now that the policy succeeded in crippling a country of Indonesia's more than 17,000 islands, and ending with the economic downturn chaotic. The state of geography and natural-resource distribution uneven make not a source of national economic well-being, but it turned into a disaster. IMF financial-economic conditions leave the island nation is in a state of mess in a way that has never been faced by the people of Indonesia.
What has been done by the IMF in Indonesia? They insisted on cutting the money that should be directed to subsidize local government, for example, in education, and so on. Incidentally they do the same in Brazil. They destabilize the country, due to rule a country must have fiscal equality, a system for fiscal transfers. So in a place like Indonesia, they push sctiap rrielalui regional autonomy policy of the infra-structure is not prepared in advance, each of which behaves eventually become a state.So at this point various countries weakened by regional conflicts and domestic financial funds financed by the West, either open or closed seeara. Kosovo Liberation Army, the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, (GAM in Aceh?), Just so many examples of some cases, how the insurgency movement in the country funded by the West. Manipulated conflicts in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Aceh, and others, is because there is a natural resource in a number of strategic, oil and gas fields of marijuana and drugs, which are covered by the CIA managed.And of course the idea of each stand-alone becomes very attractive to various ethnic groups in different regions. Of course they (the designers of the IMF) was well aware of this - they do it repeatedly. They just pushed the idea of an existing course. It happened in Yugoslavia, occurred in Brazil, it's even happened in the former Soviet Union, where the areas are released simply because Moscow can not afford to give them money. If that happens where people dimelaratkan, they start killing each other. Occurred in each group, the ethnic groups, religion, and regionalism, as in Indonesia.
But the sarna could occur, such as in Somalia, where there are no ethnic groups, but the IMF scheme is still running. It is not necessary to have a multi-ethnic society for divisive agenda of a nation, to balkanization. The scheme is based on the agenda 'rekolonialisasi'.
State and 'Territory'Countries converted into territories, colonies exactly new style. What are the different countries with territories? The state has a government, has the institutions, there is a budget, the state has the economic frontier, and have institutions such as customs
A territory, just have a government nominally controlled by the IMF No institutions are autonomous and sovereign, both from government and private sector, having been ordered closed by the IMF and the World Bank. There are no borders, because the WTO has ordered the free-market. There is no industry or agriculture, since these sectors have didestabilisasikan as a result of rising interest-rate to 60% per annum, and it is a result of the IMF program. The figure 60% is not making this up: in Brazil the figure is higher. In 1998, Indonesia experienced the same, Botswana face the same thing. Such interest rate exceptionally high.To achieve that the IMF put the credit ceiling limit. So people may not mendapatkari bank loans; banks are not able to perform their intermediation role of the state interest-rate increases, and of course it certainly kill the local economy. In Indonesia, the IMF demanded the implementation of tight-money policy ('austerity program') to raise the interest-rate bonds the central bank to 17%, thereby encouraging commercial banks to raise their interest-rate loans. To add matters worse Indonesia's central bank requires all banks who want to stay alive must have a CAR (capital adequacy ratio) of at least 8%. As a result, Indonesian banks vying for public funds, rather than running their intermediation role to encourage the return of economic life in the real sector.
To fight it is not possible with a single subject movement. It is not possible to focus solely on the Bretton Woods institutions, or WTO, or environmental issues, or genetic engineering. The struggle against "colonialism gayabaru" it should be in relation to the totality. When using the totality of people will be able to see the relationship the use of force.
Under the economic system as it exists today is stretching the joints covered capitalist order: military-industrial complex (note; United States embargo against Indonesia's military equipment), the activities of the intelligence apparatus, and the collaboration with and mobilization of organized crime (organized crimes ), including the narcotics trade to fund internal conflicts in the country in order to open the door of the Third World countries are all under the control of Western-Zionist conspiracy.
Now his time has shifted from diplomacy to missile gunboat diplomacy. Actually the term is not appropriate missile diplomacy. That there is a rough and primitive bombing, as well as the threat from President Bush's envoy to the government of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in 1999, when Bush wants the appearance of returning former king Mohammad Zahir Shah in Afghanistan as the figure head of the puppet government, and exploitation concessions on oil and gas Earth Afghanistan, and the installation of traffic-oil pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan region with threats of rough, "If you agree we will spread out the" carpet of gold ", but if not, we will give you a 'carpet-bombing'". The Taliban refused, and they get rewarded, 'carpet-bombing' of promise.
Money-Politics and Elite Control PoliticsSome of the civil bureaucracy and the military intelligence apparatus in the Third World is made up of gangsters and kriminal2. But the real situation is much more complicated when elaborated. Because basically the gangsters were nothing more than an instrument in the network-the work of international investors (read: Jewish). They do not clog the system. The gangster is someone who can easily be used, because they are not accountable to their constituency, or to anyone. Because it uses them very useful.
Take for example, when Western countries sit Hacim Thaci (pernimpin 'Kosovo Liberation Army') in the government of Kosovo, or Abdul Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan. Much easier to put them to a sort of gangster ruled Kosovo or Afghanistan, rather than sit a prime minister elected with high personal integrity, responsible to his constituency. The best thing is to put a gangster-elected, like Boris Yeltsin (how about in Indonesia?), Because it's the best way. Search and temp atkan a gangster-elected. In the United States government has been elected several times to put gangster. Why? Since gangster-elected more easily controlled than a non-gangster raised.
But it must be understood, these gangsters are accomplices were very striking - it is referred to as the criminalization of the state. It can certainly be no inter-penetration of the legal and illegal trade.
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