Whats World - A pair of dogs were trained to pass the driving test held in an area of car racing in New Zealand, Monday, 10 November. This attraction was broadcast live on national television.
With the aim of increasing the adoption rate of animals stranded in the country, a dog rescue group result of cross-breeding of Auckland teaching and neglected dogs driving. They want to show that animals are treated in shelters displaced also have exceptional talent.
Earlier, a video about dogs learning to drive has been uploaded to the Internet and could make a scene. But the real test occurred on Monday, when the two best drivers, Monty and Porter, told to drive a car that has been specially modified Mini.
Monty, schnauzer hybrid, driving in a straight line alone. "He started the car, the gears, the wheel with his foot, hit the gas, and drove off," said trainer Mark Vette. This is the first time a dog driving a car alone.
Some time before the stop safely, Monty looks relaxed place one foot on the wheel. Vette, who experienced trained many animals for the film, said at first he doubted it would work. "I must say it is very heavy duty," he said. Monty and his friends drove trained intensively for two months.
"We have trained animals to Lord of the Rings, The Last Samurai, and many other great films. But put a dog in the car without a coach and driving yourself, frankly, is a daunting challenge, "Vette said.
Next Porter, part collie, make it difficult to bring the car has to rotate at one race track, while a TV reporter a ride in the back seat.
In most of the lines he did well, but then sped off towards the security of grass where kala reporter, who apparently fear, asked Vette, "Can we stop now?"
Video clips trained dogs are uploaded on YouTube has been viewed more than 700 thousand people. Hollywood actress Denise Richards, who maintains several rescue dogs at his home in Los Angeles, singing, "It's incredible!"
Source: http://nydailynews.com
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